Joie Character by Angelfeather13
Joie Meaning of the name: joie - joy, fun Nickname: --- Age: 67 years (at the beginning of the 8th part of Angelwhispers) Birthplace: village of the non-magical (Pays Divisé Island) Gender: intersex Race: wolf with some roseangel genes Folk: Folk of Pays Divisé Island (Shadow Side) (formerly Fertile Side) Eye color: purple Fur color: soft light gray Scars: On the back two scars left and right side by side Jewelry: two blue-green teardrop-shaped earrings with two white beads each on a string. The right one has a sun symbol and the left one has a crescent moon symbol with a star in the center. a green- blue brooch with golden frame attached to his jabot collar Clothing: red, white, long-sleeved coat over a white ruffled shirt with a white jabot collar, medieval brown pluster trousers, black shoes Body type: slim, petite, female waist has otherwise masculine body features on the outside Weapons: --- Skills: black magic, trace magic, his wounds heal faster, he gets older and healthier than normals, worse injuries kill him slower/he survives some things sooner than normals. Likes: rose angels, the moon, nature, bad weather, books, potions, children. Dislikes: injustice, looking down on others, condemnation/despise by race, creed, appearance, etc. Hobbies: brewing potions for all sorts of things Family: La Mare (Cruenta) (grandniece), Volonté (niece), Amelus (Confaince) (nephew-in-law), Indifférent (twin brother), Forcé (brother-in-law), Périr (daughter), Idolâtrie (wife), Fusco/Hospes/Anhelus/Rideo, Abbadon, Daiwa, Sovos, Danag, Nanna, Daath, Ténèbres, Caligare, Creatrix, Aposter, Avisa, Apollon, Apollo, Ater, Éclair, Clara, Romain, Amare, Ancilla as well as all descendants thereafter, Enervé, Erebus belong in the course of the story also to the family, however there is no correct designation for them Friends: Empereur, Porteur Enemies: Tenebres Character: Friendly, childish, curious, patient, sometimes stubborn, calm, sensitive, tolerant, responsible, family-oriented or very quiet and thoughtful Strengths: His knowledge of potions and how to brew them Weaknesses: He gets sentimental quickly, eats up a lot of negative stuff until he breaks from it
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Copyright 2009 - 2024 Karasu no shugo tenshi The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright. The image rights are owned by the following artists and companies: Angelfeather13 MAGIX Software GmbH Website by Luna42 - About us - Contact - Comissions - Links us - Imprint & Privacy
Joie Meaning of the name: joie - joy, fun Nickname: --- Age: 67 years (at the beginning of the 8th part of Angelwhispers) Birthplace: village of the non-magical (Pays Divisé Island) Gender: intersex Race: wolf with some roseangel genes Folk: Folk of Pays Divisé Island (Shadow Side) (formerly Fertile Side) Eye color: purple Fur color: soft light gray Scars: On the back two scars left and right side by side Jewelry: two blue-green teardrop-shaped earrings with two white beads each on a string. The right one has a sun symbol and the left one has a crescent moon symbol with a star in the center. a green-blue brooch with golden frame attached to his jabot collar Clothing: red, white, long-sleeved coat over a white ruffled shirt with a white jabot collar, medieval brown pluster trousers, black shoes Body type: slim, petite, female waist has otherwise masculine body features on the outside Weapons: --- Skills: black magic, trace magic, his wounds heal faster, he gets older and healthier than normals, worse injuries kill him slower/he survives some things sooner than normals. Likes: rose angels, the moon, nature, bad weather, books, potions, children. Dislikes: injustice, looking down on others, condemnation/despise by race, creed, appearance, etc. Hobbies: brewing potions for all sorts of things Family: La Mare (Cruenta) (grandniece), Volonté (niece), Amelus (Confaince) (nephew-in-law), Indifférent (twin brother), Forcé (brother-in-law), Périr (daughter), Idolâtrie (wife), Fusco/Hospes/Anhelus/Rideo, Abbadon, Daiwa, Sovos, Danag, Nanna, Daath, Ténèbres, Caligare, Creatrix, Aposter, Avisa, Apollon, Apollo, Ater, Éclair, Clara, Romain, Amare, Ancilla as well as all descendants thereafter, Enervé, Erebus belong in the course of the story also to the family, however there is no correct designation for them Friends: Empereur, Porteur Enemies: Tenebres Character: Friendly, childish, curious, patient, sometimes stubborn, calm, sensitive, tolerant, responsible, family-oriented or very quiet and thoughtful Strengths: His knowledge of potions and how to brew them Weaknesses: He gets sentimental quickly, eats up a lot of negative stuff until he breaks from it
Joie Joie
Copyright 2009 - 2024 Karasu no shugo tenshi The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright. The image rights are owned by the following artists and companies: Angelfeather13 MAGIX Software GmbH