First of all, one differentiates between two types of createds. One species could only be described as the ability of sorcerers and witches, because they are not real living creatures. These are creatures that perform only the will of the sorcerer or the witch and thus have no will of their own. These often include briefly summoned animals, plant creatures and living things. The second type of createds thinks and lives independently, but is bound to and subordinated to its creator - its master. What a created looks like in the end is determined by the sorcerer or witch who creates it.
The first createds were not yet independent, self-thinking beings and merely carried out the will of their witch or sorcerer. It began with the transformation of a tree into a running, attacking plant being. After this initial success, more sorcerers and witches tried to summon the incantation. Over time, they became intelligent, independent beings. Most sorcerers and witches didn‘t respect them as true beings and mercilessly sent them into the fight and abused them for their own purposes.  The appearance of the createds is influenced and largely determined by the sorcerers and witches. Other factors are the items used for summoning. Some createds work like any other person and most would certainly not be recognized by any non-magical. Still others are so obviously unusual that they should not show themselves among the ordinary.                    The abilities of every created are completely different. Basically, however, one can say that the extent of abilities comes from the object or the element from  which they were created. For example, a created created from a plant would have the ability to fight, communicate or even heal with it. Of course there would  be more detail here with the respective plant species. In addition, day and night play a big role for white or black magic. How powerful a created is, decides his/her master alone.
Copyright 2009 - 2022 Karasu no shugo Tenshi · All pictures by Angelfeather13 · Website by Luna42 · Contact · Legal Disclosure & Data protection
First of all, one differentiates between two types of createds. One species could only be described as the ability of sorcerers and witches, because they are not real living creatures. These are creatures that perform only the will of the sorcerer or the witch and thus have no will of their own. These often include briefly summoned animals, plant creatures and living things. The second type of createds thinks and lives independently, but is bound to and subordinated to its creator - its master. What a created looks like in the end is determined by the sorcerer or witch who creates it.
The first createds were not yet independent, self-thinking beings and merely carried out the will of their witch or sorcerer. It began with the transformation of a tree into a running, attacking plant being. After this initial success, more sorcerers and witches tried to summon the incantation. Over time, they became intelligent, independent beings. Most sorcerers and witches didn‘t respect them as true beings and mercilessly sent them into the fight and abused them for their own purposes.  The appearance of the createds is influenced and largely determined by the sorcerers and witches. Other factors are the items used for summoning. Some createds work like any other person and most would certainly not be recognized by any non-magical. Still others are so obviously unusual that they should not show themselves among the ordinary.
Copyright 2009 - 2022 Karasu no shugo Tenshi · All pictures by Angelfeather13 · Website by Luna42 · Contact · Legal Disclosure & Data protection